
Wait Until You Can Afford the Diamond Ring of Your Dreams

It is not pretty and it scars people for life, but money troubles are one of the most frequently cited reasons for marital breakdown which frequently surprises people who think it is infidelity.Starting married life in debt is simply adding more load onto what will be a hard journey as the newly married couple struggle to buy a home, start a family and raise children. On the other hand, getting married is very expensive with the typical cost of a wedding running into the $20,000 range and frequently much more.When love strikes, time is not viewed as any friend â€; people in love tend to want to get married as soon as possible which is why so many romances end with a couple running off to consummate their forbidden love. Take a look at Romeo & Juliet to see how that works out, and unfortunately for many thousands of couples, rushing into marriage is an act which they learn to repent at their own leisure.There are a number of reasons why you should apply the brakes and slow down in the race to get married.Financial ReasonsAlmost half of marriages end in divorce and if you think getting married is expensive, just take a look at what happens when marriages break down.